Chain Stitches are a very elegant, complex looking but very easy to accomplish stitch. This two part blog post series, will consist of the most common way people are taught how to stitch a chain stitch, along with my Hack! where I explain and show a much simpler way to achieve this stitch that will save you lots of time.
Steps Overview
First, let’s go over the steps on how to create a single chain stitch. Referring to the picture above;
Step 1: Come up through your fabric and back down slightly to the side of where you just came up. Don’t pull your thread all the way! We’re creating a simple loop.
If you have read my blog on Lazy Daisy Stitches, you’ll notice the beginning steps to a chain stitch is the exact same as a Lazy Daisy Stitch.
Step 2: Come back up through your fabric where your next stitch is going to start. Make sure you come up on the inside of your loop.
Step 3: Pull your thread all the way through, tightly up against your loop.
You’ve now successfully completed a single chain stitch. Which in all honesty, is just a lazy daisy stitch.
How To Continue
Most of the time, people are using a chain stitch to do more than one. But after that first stitch, it can sometimes be confusing on where you start.
To continue on with your chain stitches, you are going to start the following stitch in the middle of your last one. Yes, in the middle of your loop! You do not have to go back through your fabric slightly to the side from where your thread is coming up in the middle. Honestly, mine always end up behind it vertically.
After you go back through your fabric in the middle of the loop, you will repeat steps 2 & 3. And keep repeating this sequence until you have stitched all the chain stitches you need. If you’d like to see a video example of the steps I just went over, click here to watch my video tutorial on my YouTube Channel! You can also find my video tutorial on Pinterest or Instagram
Subscribe So You Don’t Miss Out!
In the next week I will be posting a must-know secret to Chain Stitches you will regret missing out on. So don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my website!
I have another very exciting announcement involving my upcoming Embroidery Kits! I will be sending out a newsletter and posting details on Instagram, so follow me there also!
Love you all, until next time.