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Stitches & Hacks!: Chain Stitch (Hack!)

Welcome Back! Hopefully you were just itching to know what my secret technique is to conquer the chain stitch. Well I can tell you it’s easy and will save you loads of time, if you do it correctly..

Chain Stitch Hack! Steps

For more of a visual reference, I’ve included a picture collage of each step. Starting from the left, the top 2 pictures are step 1 & 2. The bottom 2 pictures are steps 3 & 4. Then the big picture is the final result.

Steps & Tips:


  1. Come up through fabric at starting point

  2. AT THE SAME TIME! Bring your needle back down fabric and up through your next marking, or end of your stitch. Push needle through fabric completely

  3. Pull thread so it is snug & Repeat!


  1. Mark out your stitches. This helps keep your stitching even, looking nice and consistent.

  2. Take your time, don’t rush through things. This particular skill can be very frustrating at first. But once you get it down, you will be using it in a lot of other ways. (Going down and up through your fabric is what I’m referring to)

  3. Practice going down and up through fabric simultaneously at a greater length first. It is much more difficult to do this at a shorter length surprisingly.

If you’re interested in learning a different way to Chain Stitch. Read my other post, connected at the bottom of this one. If you’ve never tried this technique before I hope you get it a try! If you do, let me know in the comment section below! You can also ask any questions, give any feedback or just say ”hi” in the comments if you’d like. Until next time!


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