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Blending Embroidery

One of the Best & must-know secrets in all of embroidery. This technique is very easy to do, and doesn’t require you to learn any new stitches, apart from whichever ones you’re already using. All you’re doing is embroidering whatever stitch you used for your main color, in 2+ other colors. For example, I used 4 colors total for my pedals, and 2 colors for the center of my flowers.

Before & After Using Blending


A few tips when using this technique on flowers:

✨ Make sure you stitch between stitches AND between other stitch threads, as if you were doing it like a split stitch. The reason I suggest this is because your stitches can sometimes hide underneath the other colors, and create a weird look or not show at all.

✨ Pick out your colors before hand.

✨ Use 3+ colors, I have come to realize that about 3-6 colors, depending on the size of what you’re embroidering, and what you’re embroidering also plays a key role in deciding how many colors to use.

✨ Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone with this. Mix colors you wouldn’t normally choose , push your boundaries. That’s the only way you’re going to get better and become more diverse with your embroidery skills.

The beauty of using this technique, is it’s not just for beginners. Or for experts. It’s something antone, at any level can achieve. I always try to go in depth on certain topics, stitches or techniques that someone who just started embroidering yesterday or someone whose embroidered for years can do.

I believe in you. You got this!

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