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Bead Loom; Questions, Thoughts & More!

Público·66 miembros

Are you new to Bead Looming and aren't quite sure how to thread your loom to start your first project? Maybe you want to try a new beading thread. Anything to do with getting your loom ready to start a project can be tags under the topic 'Threading Your Loom'.

Here is the tutorial I made of me threading my brand new, freshly homemade bead loom for the first time. The video is just over a minute long, and I got over how I prefer to thread my loom when I'm going to making a bracelet that is finished with chain link and clamps.


Thread My New Loom With Me!

*Odd Fact About Me: I usually prefer to make bracelets with an odd number of rows. One of the reasons being, it's easier to tie off my beading thread, at the end, while threading my loom.

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